Latest Orlando Skilled Labor Portfolio Project
Sebring Florida Painting Labor Project

The following labor portfolio photos were taken by a Private Contractor with Orlando Skilled Labor (unincorporated) for a residential community located near 3900 Monza Drive. The photos are the permanent intellectual property of the Private Contractor who took the photos, along with Orlando Skilled Labor. The photos were taken from December 27, 2024 through December 30, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
This painting labor project consisted of extensive Interior touch-ups, along with full painting of unfinished doors (total 23), which included trim and door jams for the record. The project consisted of touching-up vast texture spray spots on eighty percent (80%) of all of the Interior walls of the home, for damages caused by a previous and unknown painting company who never finished the project for whatever their reason. In addition, all doors within the home, which totaled twenty-three (23) doors, required a full two (2) coats of flat white paint. The door trim and door jams were painted with one (1) coat of semi-gloss white paint for the record. The believed-to-be client, Fresh Coat Painting and Drywall LLC, requested for a Private Contractor with Orlando Skilled Labor to perform the thorough paint repair private painting labor of the Interior of the home. The paint project was successfully completed on December 30, 2024. Below is a gallery of the photos taken for all of the painting labor performed for the home on a parcel located off of a street called: 3900 Monza Drive, Sebring, Florida.
Interior Painting Labor Portfolio – 3900 Monza Drive, Sebring, Florida
Before Photos

After Photos

Initial Video Walkthrough for 3900 Monza Drive By a Private Contractor with Orlando Skilled Labor:
- Scam Alert 2025: This property is currently being reported, due to a scam created by two (2) con-artists, who posed as Fresh Coat Painting Company LLC and hired a Private Contractor with Orlando Skilled Labor to go to the home and perform three (3) days of extensive Interior painting labor on the walls, trim, and doors of the home. The con-artists claimed to be able to compensate the Private Contractor with Orlando Skilled Labor, once the private labor services were completed. However, upon the Private Contractor attempting to meet with the scammer(s) for full compensation for the private labor, they disconnected the two (2) phone numbers they used to conduct the scam in its entirety. Apparently, the con-artists deceived the Private Contractor and lured them out to Sebring, Florida to paint the newly-built property, currently owned (allegedly) by: UNITY DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS LLC, with Juan Ortega as a Contact Persons for the public record. Consequently, this property is registered via a Home Owners Association with: SUN N LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF SEBRING. All involved parties are being held liable during a thorough investigation, along with a Lien that is in processes against the land / parcel and the house that rests upon it for equity, for which the actual “Property Owners” must resolve directly. Unfortunately, such is necessary when dealing with Floridian Scammers damaging hard-working people. With high-profile corporations allowing hard-working people to get scammed via their operation responsibilities and obligations upon the land, lawful and legal processes will have to take place to fully compensate injured, but ethical, Private Contractors who provide viable, professional, and ethical services upon real estate properties, where owners have been making fortunes on the hard work/labor/private labor of others, whether Builders, Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, or Painters.
Below is a Screen Shot of the Property Community CORPORATION:

Below is a Screen Shot of Some of the TEXT MESSAGE Communications Made With an Orlando Skilled Labor Private Contractor By the Perpetrators Claiming to be Owners to Fresh Coat Painting and Drywall LLC:

The above text messaging conversation was between one of our Private Contractors and someone claiming to be Catherine Hair (maybe it actually was), owner to Fresh Coat Painting and Drywall LLC, which is registered with the State of Florida via The profile for the LLC is no longer active. However, the registration process must have identified the scam culprit during the initial registration with the State of Florida. Therefore, identification records of the culprit can be verified if the scammer was indeed Catherine Hair and her husband Christopher Hair. The con-artists may have just been using the names and the business entity to sell legitimacy to the Orlando Skilled Labor – Private Contractor in this labor portfolio record and presentation.
Notice of Intent to Lien – Filed: January 3, 2025 (Click Here)
Certified Mail Receipt of Mailed Notice of Intent to Lien (Click Here)
Certified Mail Delivery Confirmation – dELIVERED: JANUARY 6, 2025 (Click Here)
– Due to Property Owner willful negligence in resolving the matter, a Mechanic’s Lien has been filed with Highlands County, Florida Recorder.
The Official Records File# 2240621 or BK 3093 PG 848 – 4 Pages
– Mailed via United States Registered Mail: RF430722507US
Registered Mail Proof of Service (Click Here)
– Registered Mail Delivery Confirmation (Click Here)
* Note: In addition to the alleged Property Owner, a Certified Copy of the Mechanic’s Lien was mailed to a said “Supervisor” (i.e. President) to Sun N Lake of Sebring Improvement District, which is the overall residential development association, where the real property in question had a Mechanic’s Lien placed upon it for the public record. According to the Sun N Lake of Sebring Improvement District website (, Mike (Michael) Gilpin is the said “Supervisor” / President for the development district. A Certified Copy of the Mechanic’s Lien was also mailed directly to Mike Gilpin via First Class United States Postal Mail on January 29, 2025. The Priority Mail tracking number for the mailing is: 9505 5157 8709 5029 8186 55. The Certified Copy of the Mechanic’s Lien mailed to Mike Gilpin was indicated as delivered on: January 31, 2025.
Federal Trade Commission Fraud Filing (Click Here)
– Due to the nature of the scam conducted against the Private Contractor, a Fraud Report was filed with the Federal Trade Commission for public evidence, against the alleged Property Owner(s) who was contacted concerning the matter, but they never responded, which is an indication that they were possibly in on the scam.
* Note: Oftentimes negligent Post Offices will charge in excess of $20.00 for Registered Mail services, yet not fulfill the service, by allowing businesses (corporations) to refuse to sign for the paid-for service thus hindering Senders (* See United States Codes of Law – Title 18, Section § 1701 and Section § 1703) in important Legal matters such as Liens. It is a known shady business practice and Post Office employees (including Carriers, Clerks, and Postmasters / Supervisors) need to be held liable for allowing mail hindrance to corporations (public or private businesses), which is a federal offense. All Rights Reserved.
* Update: February 17, 2025 – Correspondence from a Foreign Barrister (BAR Association) Member
This is a follow-up to some fraudulent correspondence from a foreign corporation identified as: VOSE LAW FIRM LLP, claiming to be Attorneys & Counselors At-Law. Apparently, after the alleged Property Owner(s) receiving the Mechanic’s Lien communications, the alleged ‘Law Firm’ would dare attempt to misrepresent and refute the lawful circumstances of the rightful and lawful claim of the Lienor. The fraudulent communication from the corporation posing as “Law”, claims to not have any ownership or interest in the real property, for which a Mechanic’s Lien has already been filed, yet they illegally and unlawfully tried to demand a Release of Lien letter from the Lienor (Lien Holder). Consequently, the Lienor is fully aware that the Color-of-Law and Color-of-Authority practicing firm is still practicing law after Pope Francis already issued General Civil Orders back in 2014, which suspended the BAR Association Licenses on ALL levels (not some, including State). In fraudulent controversy to colonizers at North America still trying to escheat the estate belonging to rightful heirs, foreign barristers (Attorneys) are still trying to make frivolous lawful claims, assertions, and actions against the natural people outside of their ill-claimed jurisdiction. The public notice concerning General Civil Orders was a public and legal notice that can be found on the Internet, and holds permanent bearing to any said ‘Attorney’ or alleged ‘Judge’ and ‘Court’ still violating peoples’ Constitutional Rights (and not corporate State Constitutions, but the United States Republic Constitution). All said ‘Attorneys’, said ‘Prosecutors’, and said ‘Judges’ have been bound to Article VI within the United States Republic Constitution and can be imprisoned for the ongoing malicious activities and fraudulent actions to violate peoples’ rights at North America for the public record. As a courtesy, we have added the General Civil Orders Notice that ALL said ‘Attorneys’ and alleged ‘Judges’ have been notified of and are fully aware of, regardless of how they pretend not to be. We only responded to let the foreign barristers know that we know they are frauds and they had best Cease & Desist their untoward attempts to practice Color-of-Law in any lawful matters at North America. All Rights Reserved.
All bona fide evidence compiled in this labor portfolio, in relation to the committed scam, by all accused parties, is posted as Public Notice and Public Record under the circumstances of getting absolute remedy for the injured party with Orlando Skilled Labor. All Rights Reserved.
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