Labor Portfolio - Orlando Skilled Labor - 3900 Monza Drive

Labor Portfolio: 3900 Monza Drive – Florida

Latest Orlando Skilled Labor Portfolio Project

Sebring Florida Painting Labor Project

Labor Portfolio - Orlando Skilled Labor - 3900 Monza Drive
3900 Monza Drive, Sebring, Florida

The following labor portfolio photos were taken by a Private Contractor with Orlando Skilled Labor (unincorporated) for a residential community located near 3900 Monza Drive. The photos are the permanent intellectual property of the Private Contractor who took the photos, along with Orlando Skilled Labor. The photos were taken from December 27, 2024 through December 30, 2024. All Rights Reserved.

This painting labor project consisted of extensive Interior touch-ups, along with full painting of unfinished doors (total 23), which included trim and door jams for the record. The project consisted of touching-up vast texture spray spots on eighty percent (80%) of all of the Interior walls of the home, for damages caused by a previous and unknown painting company who never finished the project for whatever their reason. In addition, all doors within the home, which totaled twenty-three (23) doors, required a full two (2) coats of flat white paint. The door trim and door jams were painted with one (1) coat of semi-gloss white paint for the record. The believed-to-be client, Fresh Coat Painting and Drywall LLC, requested for a Private Contractor with Orlando Skilled Labor to perform the thorough paint repair private painting labor of the Interior of the home. The paint project was successfully completed on December 30, 2024. Below is a gallery of the photos taken for all of the painting labor performed for the home on a parcel located off of a street called: 3900 Monza Drive, Sebring, Florida.

Interior Painting Labor Portfolio – 3900 Monza Drive, Sebring, Florida

Before Photos

After Photos